Essay/Term paper: In the middle of the night: review
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In the Middle of the Night: Review
In the Middle of the Night
By Robert Cormier
(Harper Collins, 203 pages, $8.95)
Reviewed by Ranwick
Well, I picked up the book not really sure what it was about, and half way
through I still wasn't sure but once I grasped hold of what was going on I
couldn't put the book down.
In the Middle of the Night is about an accident in a theater where a balcony
collapses on a number of small children, and kills them, and a few are injured.
The owner of the theatre kill himself and everyone is out to blame John the
usher who was investigating the noises from the balcony at the time. Today the
usher has grown up and has a son. A victim, who died in the accident but came
back to life that day, is out for revenge on the usher's son.
The novel is hard to follow at first because there are jumps from one character
view to another, to piece together a whole view of the story.
The structure of the story is from 3 different views, one is the victim's
brother, the second is the fathers and the third is the son's.
When you start to piece together each view you just can't put the book down,
this suspense thriller will definitely keep you holding on to the book until the
end. I found the book very enthralling and exciting. I can easily say this has
been the best book I have read this year. Robert Cormier has pleased me with
this fine novel.
In the Middle of the Night is an exciting, entertaining thriller, which you get
to piece together yourself, a very enjoyable read.